District is situated 40 km from Warsaw in very picturesque scenery of Wkra valley. Mazovian landscape full of historical remains along with actions highlighting the recreational character of the city, dynamic development of construction and modernization of infrastructure. The city is located in the Mazovian voivodship, which remains the most important, administrative region of Poland. At the same time it is a leader of changes, it develops in the fastest way and attracts the biggest number of investments. Nevertheless, it is still a region with a lot of green areas and natural landscapes, very often considered as the essence of Polish nature.
Construction of Modlin Airport (Mazowiecki Port Lotniczy Warszawa-Modlin) 7 kilometers from the borders of Pomiechówek district constitutes another step of economic revival of the region. Almost 289 ha of nearby areas which belong to the district waits for potential investors. On one hand, increased traffic may be a problem, but on the other, the development is also a chance considering services, economy and logistics. Simultaneously with actions boosting the investment possibilities, Pomiechówek effectively tries to maintain its recreational character. We reach for authentic assets, location upon rivers Wkra and Narew, convenient microclimate, and terrains rich in forests. The unique atmosphere of sub-Warsaw city is especially attractive for those who search for safe, and peaceful neighborhood well communicated with available infrastructure.
We invite You to Pomiechówek for holiday recreation by our waters, for winter sleigh ride, or a game of golf. We invite to spend the weekend, or Your whole life in our town.
Pomiechówek District Office - Urząd Gminy Pomiechówek
1a Szkolna street
05-180 Pomiechówek
tel.: 22 765 27 24
fax: 22 765 27 10